Application boilerplate built on top of forge (Ruby on Rails for Blockchain Space) powered blockchain, with developer friendly javascript sdk. Makes it super easy to start building distributed applications with tons of thousands of react/javascript libraries/components.

Quick Start

npm install -g @arcblock/forge-cli
forge init
forge start
forge create-project hello-forge
cd hello-forge
yarn start

Chain Data Reading/Displaying Examples

Example 1

Application State

Use GraphQLClient to get current application state on chain

Example 2

Chain State

Use GraphQLClient to read current chain info and display it as json

Example 3

Block and Transactions

Query blocks and transactions from the forge powered chain

ABT Wallet Examples

Example 1


Use ABT Wallet to login to an application built on top of a forge powered blockchain, and persist user info in the session

Example 2


Help user to get some free tokens on the blockchain to test our application

Example 3


Allow user to pay for an secret document with crypto token, and records payment info in database.